Project Participants



Carolina Gomez-Navarro

University of Utah


Contact Information:

University of Utah



Carolina is a second-year graduate student in the University of Utah’s Biology Department, being advised by Dr. Diane Pataki. She has a master’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley in Plant Evolutionary Biology and a bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Antioquia (Colombia). She worked for Ecopetrol, a petroleum company in Colombia, on pollen as a biostratigraphy tool. She also worked as a research assistant for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. and Panama on ecology and systematics of fossil plants and paleoclimate estimation. She had post-graduate training in ecodesign and sustainability and is currently interested in applying ecological principles to urban design, particularly how the urban forest affects microclimate characteristics in cities. The ultimate goal of Carolina’s research is to provide information critical in urban planning, landscape, and water management.


iUTAH Involvement:

iUTAH Team Memberships:
Graduate Research Assistant, RFA1