iUTAH Videos
What is iUTAH?
iUTAH is an interdisciplinary research project dedicated to preserving Utah’s water resources. In this video, iUTAH researchers explain their research and its benefits to the state.
iUTAH GAMUT Observatory
iUTAH researchers have developed and deployed an ecohydrologic observatory to study water in ‘Gradients Along Mountain to Urban Transitions’ (GAMUT). The GAMUT network measures aspects of climate, hydrology, and water quality in three streams that differ in their biophysical and social characteristics.
iUTAH's Summer Institute
Looking for a unique research experience this summer? Spend a week performing research with students, teachers, and researchers investigating water in Utah's urban and natural areas during iUTAH's Summer Research Institute.
iFellows Program
Learn more about the iUTAH Undergraduate Research Fellows (iFellows) Program that provides an opportunity for undergraduate students from all Utah institutions of higher learning to gain first hand experience collaborating with researchers associated with the iUTAH project.
As the second driest state in the nation, Utah's water supply is in jeopardy. Celebrate Water with iUTAH and think of ways you can conserve.
Utah's residents and economy rely heavily on Utah's limited water supply. iUTAH is establishing a statewide group of researchers, teachers and decision makers to find ways to preserve Utah's water resources for the future.
Los residentes de Utah y su economia dependen grandemente de la cantidad de agua disponible en el estado. El Programa iUTAH a establecido a nivel del estado un grupo de investigadores, maestros y tomadores de desición para encontrar las maneras de preservar los recursos hídricos de Utah para las generaciones futuras.
Everyday Water Use
The average family in Utah consumes around 106,888 gallons of water per year. Having an accessible water supply is essential for Utah's industrial and economic growth.
iUTAH Webinar Series
Undergraduate Professional Development: Conference Attendance
Dr. Betsy Bancroft, Southern Utah University presented an engaging webinar that explored how to make the most out of attending a conference on Undergraduate