Project Participants



Carla Trentelman

Weber State University


Contact Information:

Weber State University
Sociology and Anthropology
Office Address:
Weber State University
1299 Edvalson St., Dept. 1208
Ogden, UT 84408-1208
Office Phone:
( 801 ) 626 - 6575
Professional URL:



Dr. Carla Trentelman, Associate Professor of Sociology, is an environmental and natural resource sociologist who has taught at Weber State University in Ogden, UT for seven years. Her primary research interests focus on natural resources and the environment - particularly issues related to water, and to the Great Salt Lake. She is a faculty researcher for “iUTAH” (innovative Urban Transitions and Aridregion Hydro-sustainability), a five-year, NSF-funded, statewide water project, with campus water issues being her particular focus. Among other classes, she teaches an environmental and natural resource sociology course, and has taught a seminar on the sociology of water.


iUTAH Involvement:

iUTAH Team Memberships:
EOD - Workforce Development, Research Catalyst Grants, RFA2


Role in iUTAH:

2013 Research Catalyst Grantee


iUTAH Interests:

iFellows, Research Catalyst Grants, RFA2



Professional Interests & Expertise:

Diversity, Natural Resources Sociology, Great Salt Lake


Environments & Scales:

Communities, Neighborhoods, Organizations, Populations