Environmental Observatory


GAMUT: Gradients Along Mountain to Urban Transitions

iUTAH EPSCoR was broadly recognized for its well-established network of environmental observatories in the state. GAMUT or ‘Gradients Along Mountain to Urban Transitions,’ a network of 42 aquatic and climate sensor stations measured and recorded climate, hydrology, and water quality along the Wasatch Front for over five years. View the GAMUT Fact Sheet.


The GAMUT sensor stations, located in three of Utah’s most populated watersheds: Red Butte Creek, Logan River, and Provo River, traversed the landscape from mountain to urban settings. Data from these stations are monitored and used for solving a wide range of water-related problems. From diagnostics and restoration of impaired urban rivers to modeling future water availability, the data help identify irregularities in Utah’s waterways. With the support of Utah’s three research institutions, Brigham Young University, the University of Utah, and Utah State University, data will continue to flow from these observatories long after the iUTAH project ends in 2018.


Location of the three GAMUT watersheds in northern Utah, USA


GAMUT sites in Red Butte Creek watershed with typical aquatic (left) and climate (right) sensor deployments.




Cyberinfrastructure for GAMUT

A key component of the iUTAH GAMUT network was its cyberinfrastructure, which included computing systems, data storage and retrieval systems, and visualization environments. The human component of this network involved technically trained individuals skilled at linking software and computing resources to environmental data to improve research capacity.

GAMUT Workflow
This is a workflow illustrating the steps in the flow of GAMUT data and the CI tools deployed to support it.


GAMUT Data Access

Once GAMUT’s ecological sensors logged and transmitted data, the information stored in databases was made available via various mechanisms, including an open access web-based tool for exploring and accessing GAMUT data. GAMUT data monitoring took place at 15-minute intervals and was downloadable and/or available for viewing online. Archived data can also be accessed via HydroShare, an online data repository.



GAMUT Data Workflow

Time Series Analyst



Current conditions at each site in each GAMUT watershed:

GAMUT Presentation and Article


GAMUT: The Final Frontier

View this presentation to learn more about GAMUT extensions of data and research products


Designing and Implementing a Network for Sensing Water Quality and Hydrology across Mountain to Urban Transitions

This paper features an in-depth review of the mountain urban water system in Utah. “Designing and Implementing a Network for Sensing Water Quality and Hydrology across Mountain to Urban Transitions” discusses the logistics of developing and maintaining the Gradients Along Mountain to Urban Transitions (GAMUT) network. It was published on September 2017 in Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA).



iUTAH GAMUT Site Timelapse
A time-lapse video taken at the highest GAMUT iUTAH site from August 2016 to January 2017.





June 28, 2018

Going with the Flow: iUTAH GAMUT Transitions

  The Utah Center for Water Resources Research (UCWRR) at Utah State University recently featured a story on what is happening to the GAMUT (Gradients Along Mountain to Urban Transitions) network in the Logan River. Water bLog, a semi-annual Read More...



June 26, 2018

iUTAH Researchers Use GAMUT Data to Improve QC

A new study focused on Quality Control (QC) methodology in the iUTAH project using GAMUT data. Researchers Amber Jones, Jeff Horsburgh, and Dave Eiriksson published an article titled “Assessing subjectivity in environmental sensor data Read More...



April 16, 2018

Bean Museum Involves Visitors in Local Watershed

The Bean Life Sciences Museum, located on the Brigham Young University campus, has partnered with iUTAH and the Natural History Museum of Utah to place an interactive display in the museum to help visitors learn about their local watershed. Based on a Read More...



February 14, 2018

Traineeship Students Gain Real Skills

There are many internship opportunities for students at all levels found throughout the Utah educational system. iUTAH traineeships offered between 2013 and the present provided something different. “We knew we had students on the research-oriented Read More...



November 20, 2017

Software Helps Scientists See How Nature is Connected

Caleb Buahin, a postdoctoral researcher with the iUTAH project at Utah State University, has developed a flexible software framework called HydroCouple that allows scientists to bring together models from different domains and scientific disciplines. Read More...


