iUTAH Undergraduate iFellows


Week 9 Recap

July 14-18, 2014


Allison Albert

Allison AlbertThis week I spent my time finishing the conditioning and vacuum sealing the 1in lysimeters, and then installing the 1in lysimeters at the field site. By the end of the week we had installed all but 7 of the lysimeters. I also worked on my iFellows presentation.



Tim Beach

Tim Beach

I had received some great input from the all-hands meeting on my maps and worked on applying the changes I thought were best. I changed the background of the maps to be more simple. It now seems to be easier to see all of the data more clearly now. I also prepared to give an oral presentation at the iFellows symposium. I created a powerpoint that reviewed all of the work I did during my internship. I went through a couple of revisions and then practiced it so I would be ready for the presentation.


Toby Brotherton

Tim Beach




Andrew Butterfield

Tim Beach

This last week was spent in Boulder, CO attending a workshop at UC Boulder. The lab that put on the conference is one of the pioneering groups for dissolved organic matter fluorescence, my main analytical technique. This experience was very positive, not just to travel, experience my first conference, and learn a few things, but the individuals running the conference imparted an amazing amount of knowledge. I now have such a stronger understanding of my work, a better method, and a new way to analyze my data.



Kenyon Gentry

Kenyon GentryToby and I continued collecting samples for our biodiversity project and started working on a presentation of our experiment. I also continued working on my Arduino datalogger project; Youcan Feng and I worked on trying to combine the logging program and the sensor program so that a change in volume can be recorded. We have been, so far, unsuccessful in joining the programs. 

Adam Henrie

Tim BeachI spent the week exploring some statistical methods of validating our survey. It was interesting to delve into complex statistical analyses with no previous experience. I also searched various scientific literature for non-statistical methods of validating surveys that measure environmental attitudes.


Katy Hicks

Tim BeachWeek 9 was spent pulling articles about the Great Salt Lake from The Salt Lake Tribune during January 2012 through December 2013 to add to the media analysis. Towards the end of the week, I put together my powerpoint presentation and prepared for the iFellow Symposium.


Alexis Holzwarth

Tim Beach 




Jeffery D. Josephson

Tim Beach





Claire O'Donnell 

Tim Beach

This week I was able to get my pot experiment running smoothly with help from Meghan. I also went out to neighborhoods with my lab group and surveyed residential yards for their floral diversity. Working on my presentation was also a large chunk of my week. 






Anne Thomas 

Tim BeachI spent the entire week finding lot sizes online, organizing and processing raw data, and finally generating graphs to get some preliminary results of my survey, which I presented at the iFellows final symposium on the 21st. As tedious as it was, getting some real numbers--average trees per hectare, average basal area per hectare, tree community diversity--was very rewarding.


Michelle-Kei Williams 

Tim Beach