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February 9, 2015

CI-WATER Product Release: Tethys platform now available for use

CI-WATER is pleased to announce the achievement of a major project milestone with the public release of the Tethys Platform for water resources web application development. Designed to make it easier for developers to turn models and data into interactive apps, Tethys is a flexible, accessible solution that eases the learning curve needed to create the tools water resource analysts need.


Tethys has already been used by CI-WATER modelers to create the Parleys Creek Management Tool described in the CI-WATER newsfeed article “Project Update: Collaboration leads to integrated water management tools” (Sept. 27, 2014). Soon, CI-WATER researchers at the University of Wyoming will be collaborating with Brigham Young University’s Tethys development group to visualize their output data sets.


Lead developer Nathan Swain says, “That will present a fun challenge because they have really huge data sets.”


Even more exciting, the platform is receiving attention from the broader water science community. Nathan’s group is currently preparing for National Flood Interoperability Experiment (NFIE) at which numerous graduate students in hydroinformatics will gather for what Nathan calls “kind of a hack-a-thon.”


“The goal of our participation in NFIE is to promote Tethys as a tool for other participants and apply it to a relevant, real-world problem,” Nathan says.


To access Tethys, visit Note that users can subscribe to receive email updates.


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1135482.

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