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February 25, 2015

2015 Multicultural Youth Conference

iUTAH was able to lead three different breakout sessions about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education and careers during the 20th Annual Multicultural Youth Conference held January 8 at Weber State University. This conference offered a head start on higher education for hundreds of underrepresented students from grades nine to 12. The conference theme, “You Have a Dream,” asked students to think about their future dream careers and how they wanted to attain them. Throughout the day, volunteers led break-out sessions and performers lifted the energy level while raising cultural awareness.


Our first break-out session got 9th grade students thinking about the products they wash down the drain daily and how they impact the environment. Students brainstormed products they use and possible STEM careers they might want that help preserve our water system for the future. Another iUTAH session introduced STEM opportunities in Utah and invited past iFellow Alexis Holzwarth to share her experiences with the program. Crystal Tully-Cordova, a University of Utah graduate student, joined our third break-out session about higher education for diverse students. She shared her background growing up on the Navajo reservation and her desire to pursue a science-related education. Crystal shared tips for students for chasing their dream education with the support of family and caring mentors. Ellen Burns, Caitlyn Lewis, and Mark Brunson planned and led the iUTAH sessions.


Students went home from the conference equipped with vital skills needed for college success, including financial literacy and planning, writing for scholarships, student leadership in college, cultural diversity and community involvement, and STEM inspiration and empowerment. 




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