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August 12, 2015

iUTAH Office Transitions

Lauren Kelley, our Office Assistant, is moving to Salt Lake to be closer to her family and also hopes to further her career in event planning since her time with iUTAH showed her how much she enjoyed the work. Lauren has been with iUTAH since December of 2014. She said, “I have absolutely loved working for iUTAH these last nine months. I have learned an immense amount about water conservation problems that Utah faces today and will face in the future. I have found it very interesting to see how the Utah population thinks and feels about our current water situation. I will miss the people I have had the pleasure to work with. The whole iUTAH team welcomed me with open arms.” We would like to thank Lauren for all the hard work she did while with the project and wish her the best of luck in all her future endeavors.


We are pleased to announce, Areg Haytaytan as our new Office Assistant. Areg is currently a senior working on his International Business degree at Utah State. He is proud to share his Aggie and Huntsman pride as a business school student. Areg said, “going to Utah State University has helped me to grow as an individual and has laid a solid foundation for my professional career.”


He enjoys traveling and exploring, which is one reason he decided to attend USU. As part of developing his management skills, he has always enjoyed event planning and logistics. Areg said he is extremely excited for his new position as iUTAH office assistant and we are pleased to welcome him to the iUTAH team.


Samuel Rivera has been with iUTAH since the very beginning. When asked about the project he said, “I enjoyed my 3 years in iUTAH because I was able to interact with students and professionals from all higher education institutions of Utah. At the beginning, everyone was working on their own and then progressively all the iUTAH researchers came together and started working as one institution on the important topic of water. Water is a crucial natural resource in the state of Utah and iUTAH is making a great contribution to its conservation”


We would like to thank Samuel for all the long hours and hard work he has put into the project over the past three years and wish him the best of luck in the future.



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