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October 1, 2015

iUTAH Post-doctoral Spotlight: Dr. Krishna Khatri, RFA3

Krishna Khatri is a Post-doctoral Research Fellow with iUTAH working with Courtenay Strong in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Utah. Krishna received his PhD in Water Resources Engineering (in the area of risk and uncertainty analysis) from Delft Technical University, Netherlands; MSc in Integrated Urban Water Engineering from UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands; MPA in development study and BE in Civil Engineering from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has more than 10 years of experience working with governmental organizations, consultancies, and higher education institutions in Nepal, UK, Netherlands, and USA. Prior to coming to the University of Utah, he worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the University of South Florida. He was also an Honorary Research Associate (Sept 2007 to April 2011) in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Birmingham, UK. His main areas of expertise and interests include developing sustainable water resources and urban infrastructure system; risk and uncertainty analysis; and application of soft computing techniques for system modeling; and decision making under risk and uncertainty.


Krishna’s key role in iUTAH RFA-3 will be developing innovative frameworks, new methodology, and system models for application in Utah. The main objective is to analyze the important interactions and interdependences within and among natural, built, and social systems, in order to enhance the resilience and sustainability of water resources and water infrastructure in Utah.




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