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November 12, 2015

iUTAH-focused podcasts for UEN SciFi Friday

Mark Brunson, iUTAH Education Outreach & Diversity Director, was featured on the Utah Education Network (UEN) SciFi Friday program during the month of November During the program Mark talked with Program Coordinator Jenn Gibbs about the conflict over natural resources and the iUTAH project, as it relates to the Western films "Abilene Town," "The Sundowners," "The Big Trees" and "Angel and the Badman." Listen to the podcast.


The UEN SciFi Friday is a multi-platform program, using broadcasts, podcasts, and events to introduce fun, classic films, with commentary by Utah experts in science, technology, engineering, math and related fields.


Other past iUTAH contributors to the program include:



Stay tuned for more information on iUTAH expert contributions around the state.



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