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November 17, 2015

iUTAH Researchers Release Findings in Ecosphere

In a recent paper published in Ecosphere, a journal of the Ecological Society of America, iUTAH researchers have examined how waterways in human-impacted ecosystems receive nitrogen from numerous point and diffuse sources that contribute to eutrophication and alter the composition and function of riparian and aquatic communities. The article, published on October 28, 2015, builds on earlier studies, which suggest that fertilizer, atmospheric deposition, animal waste, waste water effluent, and septic systems typically represent important nitrogen sources in urban, urbanizing, and agricultural watersheds. Authors of the article include Steven J. Hall, Rebecca L. Hale, Michelle A. Baker, David R. Bowling, and James R. Ehleringer.


The article can be viewed in its entirety under the title Riparian plant isotopes reflect anthropogenic nitrogen perturbations: robust patterns across land use gradients.



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