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November 24, 2015

iUTAH Announces Redesigned Website

Redesigned Website Features Targeted Audience-Specific Information


Key features of the site include a cleaner design, more engaging user experience, and enhanced navigational capacity.


The website provides comprehensive information on iUTAH’s statewide $20 million interdisciplinary research effort funded by the National Science Foundation to study and protect Utah’s water sustainability.


Improvements to the website allow targeted audiences, such as water resource professionals, K-­12 educators, or researchers, to engage with iUTAH participants through embedded search functions on audience-­specific webpages.


“We are excited to have this important tool for connecting the work we do with our constituents and stakeholders,” said Andy Leidolf, iUTAH Assistant Director and Project Administrator. He adds that the website “provides a wealth of information on iUTAH’s work towards a sustainable water future for our state. There is something of value here for all of Utah’s many and diverse water users and uses.”


The site’s refreshed and simplified look, combined with updated content, improved targeted functionality, and optimization for mobile devices allows for better interaction among constituents and stakeholders across the state. As an important resource, the redesigned website is expected to greatly improve and grow collaboration among participants in this ever-­expanding project, and streamline communication between project leadership, administration, and other contributors.


The iUTAH project is a multi-­institution program aimed at exploring how population growth, a changing climate, and land use are affecting the state’s water resources and prospects for long-term sustainability. The redesign of the website comes with the challenge to Utah’s water science community to take ownership and share in this important new phase of our project by using our website, and encouraging others to do the same.


iUTAH’s website is updated on a regular basis with new information, highlights, upcoming events, and opportunities furthering its mission to shape Utah's water future through statewide research, science, and education. For a digest of updates, please sign up for iUTAH newsletter.



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