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December 3, 2015

2015 Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium Honors

The 9th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium took place on November 18 - 19, in West Valley City, UT. This year’s conference included water quality experts, policy makers, environmental advocates, industry, academics, students, and the general public. Speakers and sessions covered a broad range of topics -- from general interest to technical -- with local, regional, and national relevance.


Besides having an informational table, iUTAH was well represented with collaborators from the University of Utah, Salt Lake Community College, and Utah State University all leading sessions.


Awards presented at the close of the conference, were based on voting by symposium attendees. Brian Greene and Maura Hahnenberger won the "Tony Award" for the most engaging presentation with their talk entitled "Don't Drink The Water? Testing Water Quality for Science and Outreach."


Other iUTAH winners included Gabe Bowen, Samantha Weintraub, and Yusef Jameel also won the “Sulu Award" for Best Science for their group presentation of "Water and Nutrients in The Urban Center and Surrounding Wildlands.”


This year's symposium had the largest attendance the event has seen to-date, with 35% of registrants being first-time attendees.


 Maura Hahnenberger and Brian Greene



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