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December 4, 2015

Collaborations at 2015 SACNAS & AISES Conferences

iUTAH collaborated with other EPSCoR jurisdictions this fall at two national conferences; the 2015 Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) annual conference, and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference.


This year’s SACNAS conference took place at the National Harbor just outside of Washington, DC, from October 29-31, 2015, and hosted more than 3,200 students and professionals. EOD Coordinator Ellen Eiriksson joined EPSCoR colleagues from Delaware, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Wyoming to staff an information table. In addition to sharing EPSCoR opportunities with attendees, 13 collaborating students were given the chance to network more closely with EPSCoR students from other participating jurisdictions at the conference. 


iUTAH also had representation at the AISES National Conference, held November 19-21 in Phoenix, Arizona.  With 1,800 participants each year, the conference attracts high school and college students, educators, professionals, tribal nations and tribal enterprises, universities, corporations, and government agencies. EPSCoR colleagues from New Mexico and Alabama gave out information on iUTAH programs and opportunities at a shared EPSCoR Booth.


Collaborations at both SACNAS and AISES are excellent examples of collective outreach and recruitment efforts. These efforts increase visibility while reaching a more diverse audience within EPSCoR. EOD Coordinator Ellen Eiriksson said that she hopes “experiences like these prepare and empower students attending conferences,” adding that “this was a first experience at a national conference for many of the students in attendance.” 


Over these first two years, collaborations have increased from five to 15 states participating. iUTAH EOD looks forward to continuing student recruitment partnerships like these at future conferences. 



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