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December 5, 2015

USU researcher to join women's Antarctic forum

The Herald Journal newspaper interviewed Melissa Haeffner, iUTAH researcher, on her selection to an all-women expedition studying climate change in Antarctica next year.


A Utah State University post-doctoral researcher will join climate scientists from around the world next year in what is being billed as the biggest all-women expedition to Antarctica.


Melissa Haeffner was selected to be part of a project with 77 other women called “Undisciplined: Leading Climate Solutions by Bridging the Sciences,” Dec. 2 to 21, 2016, which aims to build a network of women leaders in science and to raise awareness of gender under-representation in the sciences. The voyage will also form part of a documentary series exploring the role of women.


Because of her sociologist background, Haeffner said she didn’t think she’d make the cut competing with climate scientists when she submitted a video to Homeward Bound, the Australian-based group sponsoring the trip, explaining why she should go — but she did...

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Melissa Haeffner will participate in an all-women expedition to Antararctica next year. Eli Lucero/Herald Journal 



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