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November 6, 2015

SUU museums partner for unique education experiences

iUTAH researcher Jackie Grant's work doing science outreach to school children was recently featured in The Spectrum newspaper.


For three years the Garth and Jerri Frehner Museum of Natural History and the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery on the campus of Southern Utah University have been partnering to offer science and art in a unique way to K-12 students in Cedar City. “Scientists are far more creative than most people assume,” said Jackie Grant, museum curator and professor at SUU. “When we pair science with art it is more engaging to general audiences such as elementary school children.” The Fall Education Program has reached over 2,000 elementary and high school students since it’s beginning…

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For more on iUTAH's involvement with SUU, visit “SUU museums partner to teach science with art and play,”  published on Nov. 06, 2015, on SUU News



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