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February 19, 2016

iUTAH Team Lead Receives NSF CAREER Award

USU assistant professor Jeff Horsburgh Photo credit: USU

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has named Utah State University junior faculty member Jeff Horsburgh winner of an Early CAREER award. Jeff is one of two Engineering faculty members at USU to be chosen to receive the prestigious CAREER Award this year. The grant of approximately $500,000 will help advance fundamental research in areas of water resources engineering and computer science.


Horsburgh is using iUTAH datasets, data, and sociology infrastructure to inform his research which contributed to this award. His research will focus on smart water metering technology, including new tools to collect, shrink and transform the data into useful information products for water managers.


For more on the Horsburgh research, visit “Two USU engineering professors receive prestigious grants" published on February 24, 2016, Herald Journal


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