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March 14, 2016

Riverton Residents and Utah's Water Future

Just under half of Riverton residents think there is enough water to meet the city’s current needs, whereas only 24 percent are confident of Riverton’s future water supply. This is one of many findings that Dr. Melissa Haeffner, a postdoctoral research fellow for iUTAH, and Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith, a professor of sociology at Utah State University, presented to Riverton City Council on Jan. 12. Haeffner and Jackson-Smith are part of a team analyzing data from an extensive assessment of water use and perceptions in the three iUTAH watersheds in July and August 2014. They are presenting results to city councils and public utility staff in the communities where surveys were administered, to make local and state water decision-makers aware of the experiences and priorities of residents.


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Melissa Haeffner talking to the City Council about the Utah’s Water Survey. Photo Credit: Doug Jackson-Smith



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