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July 12, 2016

A Sustainable Education: Integrating Global Thinking Into Classroom Curriculum


USU faculty are excited about starting the upcoming semester
with their newly designed curriculum. Credit: KUSU/UPR Radio

iUTAH researcher Ryan Dupont, a professor in civil and environmental engineering and at the Utah Water Research Laboratory at Utah State Unversity was recently featured in the news. He is quoted in the radio story as saying, “You typically don’t think of theater as a focus for sustainability, but in reality those students are involved in the selection of materials to build sets and [they determine] how those sets are constructed. The use of coatings and adhesives have potential significant impacts on the people making the sets and implications in terms of people manufacturing them,” he said.


“What we’re trying to instill in our students is that sustainability is not just a course you check off a list and then move on to other things, but that it incorporates a variety of different concepts that are applicable whether you are taking a natural science course or are involved in the humanities,” said Dupont. "We are trying to incorporate ideas from different disciplinary perspectives, so it becomes part of modern life.”

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