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September 1, 2012

New Hydroinformatics Course for Fall 2012

As part of the CI-WATER project this course is being offered at USU with the possibility of being offered simulatiously at the other CI-WATER partner campuses: U of U, BYU and the UWYO. Hydroinformatics is the study, design, development, and deployment of hardware and software systems for hydrologic data collection, distribution, interpretation, and analysis to aid in the understanding and management of water in the natural and built environment. This class will introduce students to fundamental and advanced hydroinformatics concepts and procedures including automated data collection networks, relational databases and data management software, metadata and semantics, data storage file formats and standards, data transformations and automation of data manipulation tasks to support modeling and analysis, web based data distribution and access using web services, and integrated networks of hydro-climate data.

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