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June 4, 2015

iUTAH attends the National Conference of Undergraduate Research

The National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is an interdisciplinary conference where students representing universities from all around the U.S. present their research in oral and poster presentations. The conference was held at Eastern Washington University in Cheney, WA this April. iUTAH undergraduate researchers, Anne Thomas, Grant Holyoak, and Andrew Butterfield presented their research.


Anne attended the conference this April to present the urban tree survey she did as an iFellow in the summer of 2014. She has continued to work on the project and is currently writing a paper based on the study. Anne said, “NCUR was a wonderful opportunity to engage with others about my work. It was stimulating talking with so many other students involved with exciting research. I gained perspective on other research going on at the undergraduate level throughout the country and felt like part of a community. I made friends and felt respect for the accomplishments of every student there. I also feel more prepared for conferences I’ll attend in the future—I learned a lot about the conference atmosphere and organization, how to balance the demands of the conference, and how to make the most of my time there. I’m grateful for the opportunity I had to attend NCUR and look forward to where my research will take me in the future.”




June 2, 2015

Incubating Transformations

Michelle Baker, Jeff Horsburgh, Dan Bedford, Rita Teutonico and Stephanie Mitts participated in the NSF Incubating Transformations event on April 15, 2015. They presented on the importance of EPSCoR in transforming the research culture within the state of Utah.




May 29, 2015

iUTAH WaterGirls Program Engaging Middle Schools in Field Experience

How do we engage middle school students in science? It’s easy, DO science with them! We all know that science is not a collection of facts in a textbook, it is a process of discovery. iUTAH WaterGirls was developed as a collaboration between Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City School District, and iUTAH to get middle school girls out into nature exploring their local outdoor environment and learning for themselves about water in Utah’s canyons.


Studies show that the middle school years are a critical time when female students begin to lose interest in a STEM career. An affective method to retain female students’ interest in science and desire for a career in STEM is laboratory and field experiences. Exposure to field research helps students experience the true nature of science and research, while nurturing a sense of curiosity about the world around them.


During WaterGirls, students visited field sites in Little and Big Cottonwood Canyons to assess the health of streams and watersheds near their homes. On each field day students were tasked with collecting water quality data, including pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, and dissolved oxygen. They also collected and identified macro-invertebrates found living in the streams. Weather observations were completed, using hand-held instruments to record temperature, wind, and humidity, as well as cloud and precipitation data. Students discussed and analyzed their data to determine how these values change at different sites and in different canyons, what the data tells them, and what that data tells them about health of these streams and watersheds. Scientists, including hydrologists, ecologists, meteorologists, biologists, geologists, and chemists, led the students in their sampling and acted as mentors. Volunteers from Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City School District, University of Utah, and the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center, all taught the students and shared their expertise.


Following the field experience, students attended a wrap-up and reflection session to communicate their findings to audiences of their choosing. This could include their fellow students, their families, the general community, or others. The goal of this step was to help students improve communication skills and demonstrate their interest in science to others. By communicating the impact of water systems, students begin to create ownership of both their environment and their interest in STEM fields.




May 28, 2015

iUTAH Represented at Washington, DC's Posters on the Hill

Grant Holyoak is an undergraduate student double majoring in Sociology and Economics at Utah State University. Grant helped supervise and administer an iUTAH-funded sociological survey in 2014 with Drs. Douglas Jackson-Smith and Courtney Flint that asked Utah residents about their water-use behaviors. He has since analyzed the responses with the following research questions: “How are Utahns’ climate change beliefs associated with: concern about climate change impacts, self-reported water use behaviors, and support for water conservation policies?” Holyoak’s findings related to these questions were accepted for presentation at the 19th Annual “Posters on the Hill” undergraduate research conference in Washington, DC on April 22-23, 2015. 

During the event, participants went on a guided tour around the National Archives followed by a meeting and Q&A with professional researchers working for the Obama Administration. On day two of the event, Grant had arranged meetings with staffers from the offices of Utah Senators Hatch and Lee and Utah Representative Rob Bishop to talk about his research, iUTAH, and the undergraduate research program at Utah State University. Grant said, “These meetings were the best part of the conference for me as I had the chance to advocate for causes and people that have shaped my life and my career.”

After the meetings, presenters set up their posters and were able to share their findings with a wide range of academics and politicians. Grant’s poster, entitled “The Influence of Climate Change Beliefs on Water Use and Conservation Policy in Utah”, sparked lively discussion that lasted the entire evening. “It was certainly one of the most engaging conferences I have ever attended,” remarked Holyoak. 




May 26, 2015

iUTAH Undergraduate & Graduate Researchers Spreading the Word About iUTAH Findings

The Spring Runoff Conference that is held annually at Utah State University offered an interdisciplinary forum for iUTAH graduate students and their advisors to share their research alongside other researchers who are concerned about water-related issues in Utah. During the poster session there were 10 iUTAH-related presentations.


The Utah State Student Research Symposium also offered students the chance to share their research. During the USU Research Week, iUTAH undergraduate research and PhD research was presented both orally and during the poster session.