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News and Highlights


This is a list of past iUTAH EPSCoR news from 2012 to 2018.


January 7, 2014

CI-WATER's ADHydro: Up and running

For Bob Steinke and the rest of the CI-WATER researchers working on ADHydro, their hard work and dedication has paid off with the completion of the model.

 “We have the code running, with groundwater, surface water infiltration and channels, rivers, and lakes,” says Bob Steinke, a software engineer at the University of Wyoming. “It’s running, it’s not crashing, and we get results out.”

ADHydro is a new hydrology model that will allow researchers in the field to better understand water processes, including how fast water soaks through the soil, how fast water flows over land and more. Now that ADHydro is running, researchers will continue to work on the model and build on it, making it faster and more powerful.

“The next step is really performance improvement,” says Bob.  “We get results out, but now we have to make sure those results are right.”

For the whole team working on ADHydro, getting it up and running is a huge success. “We’re happy with our progress,” Bob says. 




December 17, 2013

iUTAH December Newsletter

Read the iUTAH December Newsletter. Just released.




December 13, 2013

Funding Opportunity from SESYNC

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) announces a special invitation for proposals for data-intensive or modeling projects that can advance socio-environmental research. Successful proposals will pursue questions critical to understanding the social or ecological dynamics of SESs.

Application Deadline: January 31, 2014




November 22, 2013

STEM careers wide open for women

iUTAH participant Shalini Kesar of SUU is quoted in an article in “The Spectrum” regarding science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers and women. STEM careers have traditionally been dominated by men, and while more women are entering the fields than ever before, they are still very much in the minority.





November 22, 2013

Great ad encourages girls to be engineers

There is a new ad out from a toy company called GoldieBlox that encourages girls be become engineers. GoldieBlox has developed a set of interactive books and games to “disrupt the pink aisle and inspire the future generation of female engineers.” 




November 21, 2013

November iUTAH Newsletter

Check out the November 2013 iUTAH newsletter. You will see upcoming events, new features to the web site, and highlights from the NSF National Conference, the Green Infrastructure Research Facility (GIRF) meeting, Utah Water Watch, and the SACNAS conference.