All Past Events


This is a list of past iUTAH EPSCoR events from 2012 to 2018



March 20, 2018

Utah Water Watch - Tier 1 Training Hurricane

UWW Tier 1 training will be held at Hurricane, USU Extension Washington County Office - 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Learn the basics of water quality, simple skills to monitor a local lake or stream and help support the statewide monitoring network. Join us for a refresher or as a new volunteer. For questions, contact us at 435-797-2580 or email




March 14-15, 2018

USU Ecology Center Seminar Series - Meghan Duffy

The USU Ecology Center Seminar Series presents Meghan Duffy, Associate Professor, University of Michigan. Speakers will give two seminars: Wednesday: 6:00pm in ENGR 106, followed by a reception; and Thursday: 4:00pm in ENGR 106, with refreshments at 3:30pm.




March 8, 2018

Utah Water Watch - Tier 1 Training Stansbury Park

UWW Tier 1 training will be held at Stansbury Park, Community Clubhouse - 6:30 - 9:30pm. Learn the basics of water quality, simple skills to monitor a local lake or stream and help support the statewide monitoring network. Join us for a refresher or as a new volunteer. For questions, contact us at 435-797-2580 or email




March 6, 2018

UU's GCSC seminar series - Sarah George

The Global Change and Sustainability Center Seminar Series at the U presents Sarah George, Executive Director, Natural History Museum of Utah, speaking on “Climate Change at the Natural History Museum: Research and Interpretation.” The GCSC seminars are open to all, especially students enrolled in Seminar course, SUST 6800 and take place from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the University of Utah, 210 ASB (Aline Skaggs Biology Bldg.)




March 1, 2018

Why Science Communication Matters – Afternoon Workshops in Logan & SLC

The “Why Science Communication Matters?” workshop was developed as collaboration between iUTAH EPSCoR, the University of Utah’s Office of the Vice President for Research, Utah State University’s Office of Research and Graduate Studies, and USU’s Ecology Center to address this topic. The event will take place in both Salt Lake City and Logan UT on separate afternoons, from 1 - 4 p.m., and is free and open to researchers, faculty, graduate students, and other practitioners.


Utah State University campus:

When: Tuesday, February 27, 1 – 4 p.m.

Where: Conference Rm/1st Floor (158/158A), USTAR Bioinnovations Building (IC650), 650 E 1600 N, Logan UT


University of Utah campus:

When: Thursday, March 1, 1 – 4 p.m.

Where: Eccles Boardroom (Rm. 1850), Warnock Engineering Building (WEB), 72 S. Central Campus Dr. Salt Lake City, UT