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February 24, 2016

Undergrads Present Water-Related iUTAH Research at UCUR

Students from all over the state participated in the annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research (UCUR), held February 19, 2016 on the University of Utah campus. Six students associated with iUTAH EPSCoR presented research at this year’s conference. Viviane Baji, Matthew Barnett, and Jordan Risley, all from Utah State University, examined different aspects of the Utah Water Survey/iPad Project conducted last summer. Student participants include:


  • Christopher Mansfield, Westminster College, working with RCG awardees, oral: 
    Environmental Influences of Methylmercury Photo-Degradation Rates at the Great Salt Lake
  • Hannah Peterson, UVU, working with RCG awardees, poster: 
    Temporal and Spatial Variations of Trace Metal Loading to Utah Lake
  • Jordan Risley, USU, iFellow, poster:
    The Impact of Farm Ties on Concern About Climate Change
  • Matthew Barnett, USU, iFellow, poster: 
    Does Water-Based Outdoor Recreation have an Impact on the Environmental Concerns and Perceptions of Utahns?
  • Viviane Baji, USU, iFellow, poster:
    Impact of Age on Water Shortage Concern
  • Zack Oldroyd, USU, iFellow, oral:
    Utah Water Voices


Now in its 10th year, UCUR gives students the chance to formally present visual and/or oral presentations of their work in a scholarly setting to students, faculty, field specialists, and community members. It also offers an informal networking opportunity. State colleges and universities take turns hosting UCUR. Next year’s Conference will be held at Utah Valley University.


Press: U of U Press Release | Daily Utah Chronicle | Deseret News | Fox 13 News


Jordan Risley, USU, presenting a poster at UCUR. Photo Credit: Doug Jackson-Smith.

Zack Oldroyd, USU, oral presentation on Utah Water Voices



January 28, 2016

Students Showcase Research at Legislature

University of Utah and Utah State University students show their research for Utah lawmakers. Photo credit: USU Office of Research and Graduate Studies

Undergraduate students from the University of Utah and Utah State University (USU) displayed their research for Utah lawmakers in the rotunda of the state Capitol in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016. Among the participants were USU and iUTAH 2015 iFellows Viviane Baji and Matthew Barnett. Both Matt and Viviane worked with faculty mentor Dr. Doug Jackson-Smith of Utah State University.


“We were excited to be at the state Capitol, “said Baji. “It was a blast to present our iUTAH research and have legislators come by to talk with us about the importance of our work.”


These students will get the chance to present their work again next month at the annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research (UCUR) in Salt Lake City, along with USU iFellow Jordan Risley.  In addition to attending these statewide conferences, Viviane Baji was accepted to the National Undergrad Research Conference, which will be held in Asheville, North Carolina, later this spring.


Read more…


Viviane Baji presents her iUTAH research at the Capitol.
Photo credit: USU Office of Research and Graduate Studies



January 15, 2016

Two 2016 iUTAH Research Catalyst Grant Awarded Statewide

Researchers from Utah Valley University and Southern Utah University will receive funding this year to enhance water research capacity and expand undergraduate student research opportunities.


The 2016 iUTAH Research Catalyst Grant (RCG) recipients were announced by iUTAH EPSCoR, a National Science Foundation-supported program that focuses on improving sustainability of water resources in Utah.


Professors Christopher Monson from Southern Utah University (SUU), and Eddy Cadet from Utah Valley University (UVU) have been funded by iUTAH to work with undergraduates, other faculty members, and with other research institutions, community groups, and professional organizations in Utah. 


iUTAH Research Catalyst Grants 


For more how the RCG awards are working to strengthen iUTAH’s collaborative research network, visit the full article…


RCG recipients Professors Christopher Monson from Southern Utah University (SUU), and Eddy Cadet from Utah Valley University (UVU)



August 14, 2015

Utahns Voice their Ideas about Water

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of water?


Scientists tend to think of issues as problems – water scarcity, declining water quality, and so on. But how do community members in Utah think about water? The Utah Water Voices Project, led by Dr. Courtney Flint with iFellows Zack Oldroyd and Andre Valle along with other USU students,* set out to open the water conversation with members of the public using social science research techniques.


The team selected six public spaces or parks along the Logan River to capture the iUTAH theme of a mountain to urban or valley gradient, and set out to conduct public intercept interviews at different times of day throughout the summer. Interview questions asked people about the values or benefits of water, as well as perceived threats or problems related to water in and beyond neighborhoods and communities. Flint’s students brought their interests in technology, setting up an interactive form on iPad tablets to guide paperless interviews and allow for quick collection of demographic data to help the survey team assess how well the their interviewees reflected the larger community. Interviews were audio recorded and lasted anywhere from 2 to 25 minutes (with an average of 7 minutes).


Interviewees spoke openly on a range of issues – from their thoughts on how important water is for their health and recreation to concerns about flooding, safety, pollution, and drought. Questions asked about interactions with different Utah water bodies and whether respondents would like to see their environmental condition changed – information that will be useful for the Utah Division of Water Quality as they try to incorporate local values and perspectives into their prioritization plans. iFellow Zack Oldroyd, who is studying Science Communication at Utah State, asked where people get their water information, revealing that a surprisingly high number of people don’t seek or receive any such information. iFellow Andre Valle, a Weber State Health Promotion major, sought to understand how well this research approach reaches a diverse cross-section of people and found that education, but not income or gender, is a very strong factor influencing whether people were willing to take part in interviews.


Over the course of the summer, Flint’s team of six completed 101 interviews in Logan and 33 in a 3-day effort in Salt Lake City. They created digital story videos by combining narration and photos with audio and transcript quotes from interviews. In the fall of 2015, they will work on creating an interactive web portal that will not only share the interviews with the wider public, but also invite more people from across Utah to share their water voices.


*USU Students Elizabeth Wynn, Charles Mascher, and Alex Brown contributed greatly to this research project by transcribing interviews, managing data, and helping to produce the multi-media videos to share water stories.


Zack interviewing at Logan River’s 3rd Dam

Andre interviewing at Sugar House Park in Salt Lake City

Viewing the interactive Utah Water Voices Project presentation at the 2015 annual iUTAH Summer Symposium




June 4, 2015

iUTAH attends the National Conference of Undergraduate Research

The National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is an interdisciplinary conference where students representing universities from all around the U.S. present their research in oral and poster presentations. The conference was held at Eastern Washington University in Cheney, WA this April. iUTAH undergraduate researchers, Anne Thomas, Grant Holyoak, and Andrew Butterfield presented their research.


Anne attended the conference this April to present the urban tree survey she did as an iFellow in the summer of 2014. She has continued to work on the project and is currently writing a paper based on the study. Anne said, “NCUR was a wonderful opportunity to engage with others about my work. It was stimulating talking with so many other students involved with exciting research. I gained perspective on other research going on at the undergraduate level throughout the country and felt like part of a community. I made friends and felt respect for the accomplishments of every student there. I also feel more prepared for conferences I’ll attend in the future—I learned a lot about the conference atmosphere and organization, how to balance the demands of the conference, and how to make the most of my time there. I’m grateful for the opportunity I had to attend NCUR and look forward to where my research will take me in the future.”