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News and Highlights


This is a list of past iUTAH EPSCoR news from 2012 to 2018.


November 13, 2013

iUTAH Environmental Sensing Network, GAMUT, highlighted on

iUTAH was highlighted on the National Science Foundation's SEE Innovation website. The article focuses primarily on iUTAH's sensor network the Gradients Along Mountain to Urban Transitions (GAMUT) network that monitors falling precipitation and follows it as it travels from mountainous to urban environments.




November 12, 2013

Our Water, Our Future

Explore Utah Science published a water related story providing an overview of water issues in Utah as well as information about the water advisory team that Governor Herbert announced. 




November 11, 2013

Gov. Gary Herbert Appoints an iUTAH Scientist from USU to State's Water Team

Gov. Gary Herbert named Utah State University scientists Joanna Endter-Wada (iUTAH) and Robert Gillies to Utah’s State Water Strategy Advisory Team, a 38-member group tasked with developing a 50-year water plan for the nation’s “second driest state.”


Endter-Wada is an associate professor of natural resource and environmental policy, water management and planning and human ecology in USU’s Department of Environment and Society in the Quinney College of Natural Resources and the USU Ecology Center. She is a project participant with innovative Urban Transitions and Aridregion Hydro-sustainability, better known as “iUTAH,” a statewide, National Science Foundation Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research-funded project based at USU.




November 8, 2013

Summer Institute Dates Announced

The iUTAH Summer Research Institute 2014 will be July 7 to 11 at Bear River watershed in Logan. More details to come.




October 4, 2013

USTAR - Expanding Research Capacity

USTAR received the "Expanding Research Capacity" award from the State Science and Technology Institute (SSTI). USTAR-funded many commercialization projects including iUTAH.



September 25, 2013

Save the Date - Annual Conference on Effective Diverse Education

Save the Date for the Annual Bringing It Home: Elements of Effective Education 2 - February 28th to March 2nd in Southern Utah. Watch for more details as they become available.