Project Participants



Christian Ford

Salt Lake Community College


Contact Information:

Salt Lake Community College



Chris Ford is an undergraduate student at Salt Lake Community College. Chris plans to graduate from the University of Utah with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Atmospheric Science. As a native Utahan with an interest in all Geosciences Chris is excited to be a part of iUtah and help his home state become sustainable. Outside of academia Chris enjoys sports and other social outdoor activities.


iUTAH Involvement:

iUTAH Team Memberships:
iFellow, RFA3


Role in iUTAH:

Chris is a 2017 iFellow working at the Utah Water Research lab with Dr. David Rosenberg and Post-Doc Near-Peer Mentor Jim Stagge to create a systems model of the Bear River Basin. This model will be used to help predict hazardous outcomes that may threaten Utah water sustainability, like severe and/or extended drought.


iUTAH Interests:

iFellows, Internships, Museum Partnerships, STEM, Workforce Development



Professional Interests & Expertise:

Water Supply


Environments & Scales:

Atmosphere, Mountains