iUTAH External Engagement Partners Meeting 2013


The iUTAH External Engagement Plan focuses on participatory research, outreach, communication, and dissemination activities to engage stakeholders and the general public.   We are now entering our engagement phase, and are excited to develop quality partnerships with additional organizations in Utah that are synergistic with our stated external engagement goals:

  1. Developing informal science education programs that will enhance the development of a diverse, well-prepared STEM workforce and a more scientifically literate public in the state of Utah.


This upcoming meeting will share information about iUTAH and its current external engagement activities with potential partners.  It is our hope that through this, we will both inspire and identify partners that can join iUTAH in advancing out external engagement goals.

Potential partners include, but are not limited to: museums, universities, interest groups, after school programs, government programs, and clubs.  If you are interested in learning about iUTAH, and the opportunities for partnership with iUTAH, please join us for this informative meeting.


Meeting Information:

This event is free but registration is required


Date: Wednesday May 15, 2013
Registration Deadline: May 10, 2013
Location: Natural History Museum of Utah
301 Wakara Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108



8:30 am - 9:00 am Breakfast and Networking
9:00 am - 10:00 am 

Overview of iUTAH

Learn about the foundation of iUTAH, what external engagement activities we are currently active in, and where we plan to go with external engagement programs.

10:00 am - 11:00 am Table discussions
This portion of the morning will allow organizations to informally introduce themselves, hold a round table discussion with peers, and to ask questions.