Rain Water Harvesting

Submitted by Stephanie Mitt on June 27, 2013
Location: Red Butte Creek, Salt Lake City

As an iFellow, I am collaborating alongside Steve Burian at the University of Utah to compile data on various factors that affect rainwater-harvesting (RWH) programs. RWH is the process of collecting rainwater and using it unfiltered for non-potable purposes such as irrigation, toilet flushing, and air conditioning systems. It can also be filtered and used for drinking and bathing. I am in the process of composing a survey and contacting established RWH programs across the country in order to collect data that I will use to create a model that can be referenced by RWH startup programs. 


The iFellows program has also provided me with the opportunity to research in the field. I have participated in constructing a deck for tipping buckets that monitor water release, planting bioretention gardens that simulate various Utah ecosystems, and building flow sensors that will be placed in the Red Butte Creek. Throughout the rest of the summer I have plans to collect water and soil samples from various watersheds, construct and learn how to opperate monitoring equipment, and test water and soil samples in the lab.


Being an iFellow is such a great opportunity and experience. I look forward to continuing my learning!


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